
Notice: Undefined index: aff1_banner_url_1 in /home/computerlaunch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pmthemes-adm/inc/functions.php on line 349

Notice: Undefined index: aff2_banner_url_1 in /home/computerlaunch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pmthemes-adm/inc/functions.php on line 419

Let’s say you want to show the brand in tabs and bookmarks first, plus mimic the actual menu structure.

Then you may end up with something like:

“Example.com” – Topic – Specific Keyword

Yet, for the best possible SEO results, you’d rather go with the most important keyword first:

Specific Keyword – Topic – “Example.com”

But when your brand or domain name is extremely long, you might run into issues.

Having something like allothershortdomainnameswerealreadygone.com in the title is not helpful.

If that’s the case, you might prefer to use just the following structure:

Specific Keyword – Topic

On WordPress, some themes still go with the brand first. Most themes will add “Example.com” to each title tag (usually at the end).

When the brand or reformas integrales URL in the title is as long as or longer than the specific keyword (and topic), you may even end up with duplicate content issues.
